Why can't I just upgrade my print-only BoardMaker? A marketing decison by Mayer-Johnson, it seems. I've got BoardMaker 5 - why might I want V6? Lots of nice features such as 'Swap Button', easier photo importing, easier resizing, and the magical 'symbolate as you type' tool. In case you are unclear - here's a few basic questions and answers.
The offer is only for the latest version, BoardMaker Plus! V6, which is the ordinary print-based BoardMaker 6 plus some new interactive features (see below). BoardMaker purchasing information has been pretty muddled lately, so the new clarity is welcome, as well as the discount. Hurrah! At last Mayer-Johnson UK and LTS have got their act together and brought out a cheap deal on BoardMaker for Scotland.ĬALL has been pushing for this.

The following versions: 6.1, 6.0 and 5.3 are the most frequently downloaded ones by the program users. Select OK to close the Conversion Warning dialog.Our website provides a free download of Boardmaker 6.1.6. Note: If you have selected Show All Conversions Warnings in the Conversion Setup Dialog, the Conversion Warnings dialog will open and state that the files have been successfully converted and list any inconsistencies in the conversion process. The project is saved as a new Boardmaker Studio activity file and opens in the Designer. (Optional) Select Conversion Warnings, Conversion Fidelity, and Symbolate Fidelity settings from the drop-down lists to make changes there.Select Reselect Boards to return to your file folder to re-select or add boards.The Boardmaker Conversion Setup dialog will open. Navigate to the directory containing the desired file.In the file browser window that opens, select the file type drop down menu and choose Boardmaker v5/v6 Files (*.bm2, *.zbp, *.zip).Select the Open button on the Boardmaker Studio Dashboard screen.
zip files that were created in Boardmaker version 5 and above and save them as new projects to edit in Boardmaker Studio.

You can convert boards, board packages, and.